The Anti-Ragging Cell of DB College plays a crucial role in maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for all students. Their perspective is to eradicate any form of ragging, which includes verbal, physical, or psychological abuse, that may occur on campus. The cell aims to create awareness among students about the harmful effects of ragging and encourages a culture of respect and dignity.

The main aim of the Anti-Ragging Cell is to prevent incidents of ragging and to promptly address any complaints related to ragging. They work towards creating a conducive environment for learning and personal growth, where students feel safe and respected. The cell also conducts regular awareness programs and workshops to educate students about the consequences of ragging and the importance of maintaining a friendly and respectful atmosphere on campus.

Overall, the Anti-Ragging Cell of DB College is committed to promoting a positive and harassment-free environment, where every student can pursue their education without fear of being subjected to ragging or any form of harassment.

"Ragging is a Crime; we are always against ragging. DB College campus is a ragging-free campus."